Following are my self-introductions. (自己紹介をさせてネ。) I like painting, computer game, riding on one-wheel bicycle and writing funnies. I like to be cartoonist in future. (私のすきなもの: お絵描き、ファミコン、一輪車、マンガを書く、 将来はマンガ家になりたい。) I don't like practice for piano, and taking care of my younger sister. (嫌いなもの: ピアノの稽古、妹の面倒をみること) I like following dish. Spaghetti with meat sauce, curry and rice, soft ice cream and sushi. (好きな食べ物: ミートスパゲテイ、カレーライス、ソフトクリーム、 おすし) I dislike a pickled scallion, my parennts also dislike it, and spring onion. (嫌いな食べ物: 親ゆずりのらっきょ、ねぎ。 ワハハ。) I love to make frends any where, any when. Since I was born, I am a big kid. So evryone think I have a firm character. But in reality I am just a wheedlling child. (いつでも、どこでもお友達をつくのがすき。 小さい時からおしゃまで、 どこにいてもしっかりものにみられるけど、 本当はあまえん坊なのだ。) I was born in 1987. (私は昭和62年生まれ。今、小学校2年生)